Fatima Al'zahraa Blog

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Thursday, 12 July 2012

The story of the Question why: If the Syaitan is locked up during Ramadan, why do we still do bad things?

السلام عليكم

Someone asked a righteous man : "If the Syaitan is locked up during Ramadan, why do we still do bad things?"
He answered him:” "What happens when you stir a cup of coffee for a long time? After you take the spoon out, the coffee continues to stir on its own, right? Syaitan is that stirrer and we are his coffee. Our bad habits continue to stir even when he is away."

Syaitan is weak but he knows that he will not be able to misguide us in Ramadan so he makes us get used to the sins. He sets us to make the sins as a habit. It’s true that shaytan will be gone in Ramadan but our old habits will stay with us. So, in the Month of Mercy our true battle is with the evil in our Nafs, our real encounter is with our bad habits.


Just one of a nice story to share about (:

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